Anticipate, Assess, and Mitigate Financial Risk with Speed

Perform interactive what-if analysis, stress tests, full balance-sheet optimisation, and reverse stress testing with the Finance, Risk, and Capital (FRC) workbench. Manage your risk appetite, enhance your decision making and answer ad hoc questions at the push of a button. 

FRC Workbench

The FRC Workbench applies a 'top-down' or, more accurately, 'middle-up' approach to convert your existing systems’ static results into interactive analysis and optimisation and reverse stress testing insights.

FRC Workbench sits on top of your traditional risk and regulatory reporting systems to give you the business continuity projections and the holistic view of your organisation that you’ve been missing.


Two men are going from the light insight the dark surrealistic tunnel with concentric light stripes, Moscow, Russia

Interactive projections, stress testing, early warnings & what-if analysis

Change your overall multi-year growth expectations, your allocation of growth to individual parts of the portfolio or balance sheet, your assumptions about micro- and macro-economic factor evolution, apply behavioural models, climate risk projections, etc. Instantly see the effect on projections of Regulatory Capital (Credit, Market, CVA, Operational Risk, etc.), Economic Capital, Capital Adequacy, Concentration Risk, Liquidity, Profitability, Return on RWA, RAROC, etc.

black and red engine ba y

Full balance sheet optimisation

React to sudden or potential macro- and micro- economic shocks, market stresses and modify the optimised portfolio weightings, analysing the effects in minutes​.

Users will be able to respond to fleeting opportunities and adapt strategies for an optimal balance of risk and profitability in a way that previously has relied on finger in the air guesswork or was simply not possible.


Reverse stress testing

Find out under which scenarios you run the risk of failure and which strategies, decisions and policies would lead to the most significant losses.

Would you be exposed to a run on the bank and under which scenario? Which parts of your portfolio are the most vulnerable? 

All of these answers are at your fingertips.


Related Resources

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News Announcement

Razor launches the FRC Workbench to streamline the provision of banking risk and capital analysis

Read here
assorted-title book lot on shelf

Razor Insights

Insightful articles covering a spectrum of topics within the realm of financial risk management

Read here
Research Report

Research Report

This whitepaper assesses the needs for a more interactive approach to risk and finance analytics

Download here

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